Traworld, India’s premium luggage brand, showcased its latest collection of fashionable travel bags on Day 1 of Delhi Times Fashion Week 2019 in collaboration with fashion designer Nikhita Tandon. Artist & Influencer Bahaar Dhawan Rohatgi was the showstopper for this exclusive range! By partnering with one of India’s top designers, Traworld made an emphatic statement, that the oh-so-boring suitcase can be transformed into a gorgeous fashion accessory.
The latest collection from Traworld was a carefully curated range of striking, hard-shell and soft-shell travel bags in vibrant colours as well as subtle silver, with premium features that marked each piece. Traworld’s bags had stylish accents and their textured look made every piece an irresistible head-turner.
This is the second time that Traworld has presented at a major fashion event, and by collaborating with Nikhita Tandon at DTFW 2019, the premium luggage brand has raised its style quotient. Traworld’s emphasis on sophistication is also reflected in the choice of its brand ambassador, Bollywood star and fashionista Sonam Kapoor Ahuja, who it signed on recently.
Traworld is the travel bag of choice among the most stylish celebrities, reach for some of the brand’s trendy bags that put the oomph into your travel experience to be a part of this swish set. The 8 spinner wheels on each Traworld bag make for smooth and seamless travels, and the multi-stage, push-button locking handle feels snug and secure in your hand, even on tough surfaces.
Aimed at the fashion-conscious traveller, Traworld’s hard-shell and soft-shell bags flawlessly combine aesthetics with smart engineering. The bags are available in sets of three (20 inch, 24 inch and 28 inch), they are lightweight, water-resistant and come with water-proof and anti-theft zippers, and built-in TSA locks. The upshot is that Traworld makes even these mundane features look classy – at affordable prices.
Traworld believes that travel is more than jetting from point A to point B. It’s about discovering the new and savouring the adventure. Traworld’s travel bags make this experience effortless while adding a touch of elegance to your journey. Why travel economy when you can enjoy club class?
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