Vigo Video, an original short video platform that allows users to create and share compelling stories and showcase their talent welcomes Bollywood stars to celebrate Holi on its app. To spread more colour and aura, celebrities such as Urvashi Rautela, Ravi Kishan, Priya Mani ,Rakulpreet Singh, MilindGaba, Rashami Desai, Krystal D’souza, popular couple, DipikaKakkar and Shoaib Ibrahim, Mimi Chakraborty, SrabantiChaterjee and Sapna Chaudhary are a part of the Vigo Video Holi campaign and have shared their Holi videos for this occasion on the app.
These colourful cards can now be collected by sharing videos using the special Holi stickers. Users can now have a chance toinvite their friends and family by sharing the unique code to download VigoVideo( and
participate in this campaign.
Here is a glimpse of all the celebrities having fun this Holi season
Ravi Kishan:
Sapna Chaudhary:
Rakul Preet:
Krystal D’Souza:
Shoaib Ibrahim:
Dipika Kakkar:
Mimi Chakraborty:
Milind Gaba:
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